Membership benefits
Membership entitles you to:
reduced conference fees;
receive regular mailings, including articles, book reviews, news, and information about events and meetings;
join the BACIP email group;
access the members’ area of the website, where you can listen to past conference recordings and look at past newsletters.
receive a discounted membership rate ($30 off) for the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, whose membership benefits include subscription to the Journal for Psychology and Christianity;
receive a discounted rate for subscription to the journal Mental Health, Religion & Culture.
Membership grades
BACIP includes four grades of membership:
Ordinary members - Christians who are eligible for Graduate Membership of the British Psychological Society (i.e. have completed an undergraduate psychology degree, recognised by the BPS as the basis for further professional study);
Spousal members - Christians who are married to an ordinary member of BACIP and who otherwise meet the requirements for ordinary membership;
Student members - Christians who are studying psychology at college or university at either undergraduate or postgraduate level and are not in receipt of a salary;
Associate members - Christians who are members of allied professions or related academic disciplines, or have not completed sufficient psychological studies to satisfy the requirements of the BPS. Associate members do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting, which normally takes place at the residential conference in the spring.
Membership fees
BACIP membership costs £30.00 annually for waged members (regardless of grade), and £12.00 for spousal members and student/unwaged members (regardless of grade). Members may also contribute to a hardship bursary to provide financial assistance for students and clinical trainees who could not otherwise attend BACIP conferences. You can join now using the form below, making payment using PayPal. For any other method of payment please email administrator@bacip.org.uk.
Privacy - How do we use your information?
Here at the British Association of Christians in Psychology (BACIP) we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your membership and website account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us, for example regarding conferences you have booked to attend.
Part of membership includes the option to be a member of the BACIP e-groups through which we communicate news, discussions and requests for help or information. If you wish, the administrator will send you an invitation (electronic link) to join, but then you can maintain your own account, select your email notification preferences, and unsubscribe if you wish. You can also ask the administrator to unsubscribe you or change your settings.
Normally twice a year we send out a newsletter to the membership, by email using Mailchimp as a platform. We also send out other occasional emails to the members who are not on the e-group, for example advertising our events or important information about BACIP or their membership.
We will not share your information with any third party without your permission, for example, relating to requests for help on the Yahoo group message board. For further information on how your information is used, how we maintain the security of your information, and your rights to access information we hold on you, please contact BACIP's part-time administrator: administrator@bacip.org.uk.